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Once Upon A Zoom Sessions

During September 2020 with government restrictions still affecting classes, ALICE Children's Theatre Companies explored the traditional tale of 'Chicken Licken' through the virtual platform, Zoom. Our young White Rabbit and Mad Hatter Companies had a go at staging a new original play based on the story, and our older students explored their own 2020 inspired version of the tale titled 'When we fall asleep, where do all the toilet rolls go?'.

All the students explored and experimented with what it means to make and perform theatre in a virtual space - considering character, physicality, narrative and staging with all the restrictions of performing and connecting with each other through a tiny screen!

We took a recording of the works in progress to share with our families and friends and we are delighted to share that they are available for you to view in our ALICE Virtual Studio where you can join us for free on Facebook by clicking this link: ALICE Virtual Studio

We hope you get a flavour of how much fun and energy all our students brought to this new virtual theatre environment.

We are so proud of them all!

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