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Choices Project

Stephenie Pagulayan

It has been a joy to work in a creative team with Shetland Comedy planning a brand-new Theatre Project over the past couple of months.

If funding can be secured, "Choices" will work with young people affected by or at risk of crime in the Shetland Community to develop their skills through learning a wide range of theatre and improvisation techniques.

Working in collaboration with local young people we would hold a series of workshops exploring the journey someone goes on through life and how the community justice system can impact on people's lives. We will teach improvisation and theatre skills to empower young people to create an innovative theatre show with a difference - unlike most traditional Theatre shows, our audience will have the power to get involved and change the narrative during the performance!

Learning Theatre and Improvisation skills can equip young people with the confidence, skills and resilience to navigate challenging situations as they move through life. Our safe space will provide the opportunity to explore issues in a fun and creative way with the satisfaction of creating an innovative piece of Theatre to share our stories with the community.

We were delighted to meet and speak with so many people in the community at last weeks Community Justice Partnership event and would like to congratulate Shetland Women's Aid, Shetland Rape Crisis, Moving On Employment Project, Dogs against Drugs and Advocacy Shetland on securing funding for their organisations.

With the overwhelming community support shared for this project, we would like to continue working to make this project a reality. If anyone would like to get involved or support the "Choices" project, please email and we would be delighted to speak with you!

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